Spray Ball SR42


Compared to low-pressure spray heads, the rotary spray heads SR42 is more water-efficient, provides better and more thorough cleaning, and offers higher cleaning efficiency. It requires no external equipment for operation and only needs to be connected to high-pressure water to perform automatic rotating cleaning.

It is mainly used in the field of cleaning small and medium-sized tanks. It is a fully automatic nozzle that can realize automatic rotation and all-round cleaning inside the tank. Compared with low-pressure nozzles, it saves more water, has better and more thorough cleaning effects, and has higher cleaning efficiency. It does not require external equipment to drive it, and only needs to connect to high-pressure water to achieve automatic rotation cleaning.

Cleaning Mode: 3D Rotation
Material: 316L, Aluminum Bronze, Engineering Plastics
Connection: 1/2"
Max Cleaning Diameter: 9.84'
Min Entry Diameter: 7.09"
Max Temperature: 195°F
Min Pressure(bar): 30
Max Pressure(bar): 200

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